Cllr Andrew Morgan OBE, Leader of the WLGA said:
“While today’s 2022 PISA results are a source of disappointment, it’s important to note the hard work that’s already in progress to alter the education landscape. Transforming the nation’s learning system will not happen overnight but the innovative new curriculum, which has now been rolled out in all schools, should give confidence that Wales is on the right path.
“We all want our children and young people to believe that they can achieve their potential and that their aspirations will be supported. The new curriculum aspires to empower every child to reach that potential with a stronger focus on a learner-centred approach. In addition, councils are working closely with the Minister as part of the recently announced plans to drive forward improvement in maths and literacy.”
“Our brilliant teachers, support staff and education leaders are passionate about raising standards. Along with pupils and parents, they have shown remarkable resilience during an incredibly difficult time for our schools owing to the pandemic and the Cost-of-Living crisis. On behalf of local government, thank you to everyone working so hard to alter the system and to transform our children and young people’s learning experiences. Councils will continue to work closely with Welsh Government to ensure the new curriculum succeeds in raising standards and attainment.”
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