The Better Housing Services Improvement Toolkits have been developed by the WLGA to help with the improvement of local government housing services. They provide a flexible template to assist with reviewing services, identifying risk and developing an improvement plan.
Six Better Housing Services Improvement Toolkits are available for the following service areas:
- Strategic housing function
- Housing advice and homelessness
- Management of the supporting people programme
- Housing repairs and improvement
- Working with the private rented sector
- Sheltered Housing
It is important that the improvement toolkits are used constructively, in the spirit of openness and with the full engagement of all stakeholders.
Good Practice Guides for Social Landlords and Leaseholders in Wales
These guides have been jointly produced by the Welsh Government, Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), Community Housing Cymru (CHC) and the Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE) and comprise of the following two documents:
- Major Works: Good practice guide for social landlords - The purpose of this guide is to help social landlords manage the major works process fairly and consistently.
- Major Works: A guide for leaseholders of social landlords - The purpose of this guide is to explain what ‘major works’ are, your landlord’s legal obligations and what would be best practice from your landlord when they carry out major works to your block.
For more information contact: Jim McKirdle